Part of your military service, you know, is going to involve moving to a new duty station, and, on average, you can expect to do this about every three years. As your career extends and your family grows, this every three year relocation can be a hassle. But its is a reality of military service, and something you learn to plan for and can execute well.
Many families prefer a military dity move: you do a lot of the work yourself, and that can be a good thing. You have control over much of the process, so you know your family and goods are personally well taken care of. Good planning and a little experience can mean that you accomplish your DITY and may even have a little cash left over after all the reimbursements from government allowances are in hand. A military DITY move is also known as a personally procured move because you are making most if not all the arrangements yourself. Because of logistics and distance, a DITY move is not recommended if you are relocating overseas.
If you decide to plan a military DITY move, you have some advantages working for you. First, the military family center at your duty https://sdarcwellness.com/tramadol-therapy/ location has a Relocation Assistance Program where you can get all your questions answered and a lot of helpful hints. Figuring out costs and allowances is a vital step in planning a military DITY move and fortunately, there are websites that offer a DITY move calculator to make that aspect a lot easier. You should know, for example, that some expenses are not reimbursed in a military Dity move: meals and lodging, sales tax, any insurance fees, auto transportation, a tow dolly and gas for any additional vehicles you take with you.
Another nice benefit of a military DITY move is that the government thanks you for taking on the military moving yourself by giving you more time to accomplish your military move.
So what are the important parts of a military DITY move? First, knowing that you have the time and wherewithal to execute it. Second, getting all. the information you need to plan Lots of help is available at your duty station and many of the people who live around you now can give you ideas and share their experiences. Third, deciding if a military DITY move makes sense from cost, control and family viewpoints.