12 Corporate Hosting Tips for Events in and Out of the Office

They’re more eye-catching than smaller options. Install billboards and posters to, too, if you’d like to reach a wider audience as well as attract potential clients and clients. For more exposure it is also possible to rent ads on your regional radio station.
10. Record the Highlights

A majority of people believe that keeping an event in their memory sufficient. However, if they have to be honest the fact that they have a photograph or video that could be easily recalled in the future is much greater than having just one. You should record all of the activities so that people can revisit the day and recall the enjoyable moments. Hire a photographer and videographer to record all the fun and create a collection of video and pictures which everyone will be able to view. Ask guests to take photos, make videos, and take part in the festivities.

11. Follow up after the event

Even though the majority of the tips and tricks for hosting events focus on the eventitself, it’s essential to remain connected with guests post-event. Many of them may have made contacts on this exciting day, and not reaching out to them later will be a mistake. Maintaining contact with your contacts will make your guests aware that they are important to you and whether or not they enjoyed their time at your event. It’s possible to send them the follow-up emails (be sure they are specific to them) However, this won’t become annoying. This will ensure that people don’t lose track of you or your event.

12. Request Feedback

The last of our recommendations is getting feedback from your guests. Although you’re sure that everyone enjoyed great time, you should still ask for feedback so you can determine which ideas were the best and which ones will need to be refined for future events. It is also possible to have your guests write reviews to let others know the way things went (this is also a great way to get an opportunity for promotion!). If you’ve concluded the party, make sure you get feedback as soon as possible.
