Author: admin

  • Three Tips for Planning Your Garden

    Did you know that almost half of about 165 million home owners in the US have gardened in the past year? The average gardener spends about five hours a week gardening. And a little over fifty million households have grown edible plants, such as fruits, vegetables and herbs. If you are interested in stepping into…

  • Without Proper Portal Integration, Your Software Will Fall Short

    When you are paying for customized web application development, it is important that the solutions you have custom tailored for your company’s needs also include portal integration. Without the right kind of portal integration, you will not be maximizing your workflow management or be able to enjoy flawless collaboration between groups in the work place…

  • Let Farmers Be Farmers

    Soybean trading companies play an important role in averting international hunger, though many people do not realize the role that the agricultural trading company plays in putting food on their plates. An international trading company can, in many cases, guarantee a moderate profit for farmers deciding how much food they should plant and, therefore, prevent…