Author: admin

  • Local Rochester NY Web Design

    There are ad agencies rochester ny has available that focus almost exclusively on Rochester web design these days. This is because web advertising Rochester NY businesses require has become more prevalent than ever before. Most marketing Rochester NY organizations focus on includes making sure that the future of web design Rochester NY provides will be…

  • Different substance abuse training

    If you are interested in getting certification on substance abuse training, there are three addiction courses that you should consider. These are peer specialist training, recovery coaching and addiction counseling training. Peer specialist or peer support mental health specialists are trained to provide help to substance abusers through strength based recovery programs. Peer specialists are…

  • Food Handling Safety Can Keep Your Establishment Alive

    There are many germs in the world; and every year, norovirus, salmonella, and E. coli cause illnesses and death to any unfortunate people. To add to this, the University of Arizona biology department states that an astounding 93 percent of shoes have fecal matter on them. To stop issues like this from ruining your business,…