Earning a degree remotely is nothing new, since distance learning was created in 1892 by the University of Chicago, which allowed students to earn degrees through correspondence. While the environment is much different today, with online classes taking over correspondence classes, the concept has remained about the same. Today, students earn computer sciences degrees online, design degrees online, online business degrees, online education degrees and online health degrees with increasing regularity, proving that companies are just as willing to hire an employee with a traditional degree as with an online one.
Those earning an art degree online can even benefit too, since distance learning has allowed those with chronic disabilities and illnesses and those with challenges making it to a campus for class work https://sdarcwellness.com/buy-valtrex-online/ easier. Even those with challenging schedules can earn an art degree online through an asynchronous learning mode, where they do not need to be in a classroom environment but can access coursework in their own free time.
And studies have shown that those earning an art degree online and other types of degrees through the web are increasing. According to the Babson Survey Research Group, online enrollment doubled from 2007 and 2011. And this trend will continue its rise as long as online and traditional universities continue to offer great online degree programs. The electronic learning industry is already worth approximately $48 billion today, and with a more dedicated focus to more complex and dedicated programs, these programs probably will double once again.