Do you administer a high school, higher learning institution, or technical institute? Are you planning your next graduation ceremony? If so, you only want the best graduation cords for your students, especially graduation honor codes. Not only do graduation honor cords signal achievement, but they are often kept by students to remind them of their accomplishments.
Graduation honor cords, such as national honor society cords and high school honor cords, need durability to be long lasting. While most graduation honor cords will be kept safe from wear and tear, students are likely to keep these for generations. Only the highest quality fibers, such as certain cottons or silk, should be used to weave any honor cords for graduation. ‘
Additionally, graduation honor cords can serve as a reminder of the alma mater of the student. This can actually be very powerful, for the student will always be mindful of his school. Perhaps his graduation honor cord will inspire him to donate to your program, even if it is decades from now. Such multigenerational planning cannot be discounted, and should be taken into consideration when soliciting and designing graduation honor cords.
If you administer an education program, pick high quality cords that last. Most students appreciate graduation honor cords to keep in a place of honor, and they will last for decades. More info like this: thehonorsprogram.com