Author: admin

  • Where Can You Find Embellished Jeans To Make Your Wardrobe Pop?

    The official birthday of the well known pair of jeans is May 20, 1873. This the date that riveted jeans were first patented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss. Soon after, the oldest pair of Levi jeans were manufactured, in 1879. However, jeans have changed immensely since this time. While jeans were once popular in…

  • Implementing Mystery Shopping Companies

    If you own a business, you know that gaining customer insight about your brand, your employees, and your store layout, can be an amazing opportunity. A mystery shopper agency can provide you with just this. Top mystery shopping companies will send shoppers into your store to gain insight into what your business can do to…

  • Why You Should See a Dentist

    Did you know that primary teeth develop while in the womb? A fetus begins developing teeth as soon as six weeks after conception. Teeth are an important part of a person, they are seen when you smile and help people talk and eat. Taking care of your chompers with a New Albany dental professionals should…